
Our quality policy

Oleoweb s.r.l., a company operating since 2004 and leader for the manufacturing of hydraulic components, is located in Cadelbosco di Sopra in Emilia Romagna (RE). Thanks to many years of experience in the production and sell of components in the sector, it can count on numerous partnerships with OEM and Aftermarket customers. The company undertakes to adopt a Quality Policy based on the following objectives:

  • Provide customers with products that meet the required specifications and standards.

  • Constantly monitor the degree of customer satisfaction in order to improve the perceived quality.

  • Respect the procedures for managing internal company processes and the processes of the Quality Management System.

  • Prioritize value-added activities.

  • Take into account the expectations of interested parties.

  • Promote the competence, awareness and participation of staff, keeping up to date with the technological evolution taking place in the Company's operating sector.

  • Evaluate suppliers in order to guarantee the quality of the products purchased and subsequently supplied to the customer.

  • To manage and maintain the infrastructures and equipment in a systematic way to avoid production problems and service interruptions.

  • Operate in compliance with the laws in force and those concerning safety in the workplace.

  • Define objectives and targets to integrate with operational management and corporate development programs

Additional quality objectives will be defined at least annually during the management review. In order to achieve these quality objectives, the Management undertakes to:

  • Activate, maintain and constantly improve a Quality System compliant with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015;

  • Entrust full responsibility and authority to the Quality Manager to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Company's Quality System;

  • Periodically monitor the Quality System through the preparation of internal audits, in order to assess compliance with the same;

  • Ensure that the Quality Policy is communicated (through meetings or posted on the bulletin board), included (by checking at the end of the meeting or during the internal audit phase) and applied at all company levels and made available to interested parties on the company website.

The Company has determined the external and internal factors relevant for its purposes and strategic guidelines and which influence its ability to achieve the expected results for its Quality Management System. This assessment is present in the Quality Manual, which is checked at least annually and updated in conjunction with the change in the factors analysed. This analysis leads to the consequent assessment of risks / opportunities and to the subsequent improvement plan. The constant group synergies allow Oleoweb s.r.l. to present themselves on different international markets by type of products requested and supply methods. Thanks to its range, the result of continuous research and compliant with the most important technical, regulatory and approval developments of the reference markets, Oleoweb aims to achieve total customer satisfaction.